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Purchasing Directory Opus Magellan
--------------------------------- -- -  -
Directory Opus Magellan can be ordered direct from GPSoftware, or from one of
the distributors listed below.

If you already own a previous version of Directory Opus you may be able
to upgrade to the current version for a reduced fee.

For further information about Directory Opus 5 Magellan and purchasing,
please mail  Greg Perry .

The Amiga is in a perilous state right now, and, apart from the ageing OS,
all that we have left are devoted devlopers and their innovative programs,
and a whole lot of hopes and dreams. Developers like GPSoftware keep this
platform alive by keeping it at the cutting edge with software like
Directory Opus 5.5. If you are using a pirate version of Directory Opus,
send a signal that you want there to be further versions by purchasing it.
Don't let the bridge to our dreams die. The only way you can support the
Amiga is by supporting Amiga Developers.

Please note that France-Festival-Distribution (FFD) no longer distribute
any GPSoftware products. Read this  press release  for further details.

 Dr Greg Perry               Ph/fax:       +61 7 33661402
 GPSoftware                  WWW:          http://www.gpsoft.com.au/
 PO Box 570
 Australia 4060

 Wizard Developments         Phone:        +44 (0)181 303 1800
 PO BOX 123                  Fax:          +44 (0)181 303 1861
 Sidcup                      WWW:          http://wizard-d.demon.co.uk/
 Kent DA15 9ZY

 Schatztruhe                 Phone:        +49 201 788 778
 Veronikastr 33              Fax:          +49 201 798 447
 45131 Essen                 WWW:          http://www.schatztruhe.de/

 Software Hut                Phone:        +1 610 586 5701
 313 Henderson Drive         Fax:          +1 610 586 5706
 Sharon Hill                 WWW:          http://www.softhut.com/
 PA 19079

Converted on 04 Nov 1998 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.2 by Michael Ranner.